Instructions for supporting us through Amazon Smile

Amazon will donate .5% of the amount of your order to Unity in the Valley when you start shopping using the Amazon link on our website.

Note that only web purchases count.  The Shopping App does not.

Additionally, you can make a bookmark that has the same effect using: this text:

The key to this is to replace the www in with smile.  You can do that at any point before paying for your purchase.  We get credit IF you have set us up as the recipient.

Steps to set up Unity in the Valley  to receive Amazon benefits:

Visit and login with your regular Amazon credentials

You will see something like this:


To change the "supporting" hover the mouse over the charity name.and click.

Then click "change" after the charity name.

Type Unity Church in Green Valley in the designated place    

Select the church




Thank you!  You would be amazed how the little bits add up.